Siegfried – To Love a Man of Sword and Soul

Siegfried is one of the main characters in the Soul Calibur series.  He eventually becomes Nightmare, but that is a story for another day.  For now, let us focus on why I want him to have my babies!

I started this post with every intention of expounding on the greatness that is Siegfried, but then, I looked at the pic above and found it very hard to concentrate on… stuff.  WHAT!?

Siegfried is voiced by Ted D’Agostino in the English dubbed version.

He was voiced by Roger Craig Smith in Soul Calibur IV.  Roger Craig Smith has voiced MANY anime characters but one of my favorite was Noba from Bleach!

In the Japanese dubbed version, he was voiced by Nobuyuki Hiyama.

One of the most notable aspects of Siegfried (aside from the obvious) is his power.  Siegfried carries the biggest sword in the game and though it takes time for some of those big swings, if they connect, your opponent is guaranteed to feel it, a lot.  A single hit from this character can take down a quarter of your health bar easily.

The storyline behind Siegfried is also very interesting.  The idea that his is a path of redemption appealed to me but I’ll be honest, I was too busy attacking at will to actually worry about redeeming him.  Although I did imagine any number of ways that he could beg me to end the suffering of his soul…. WHAT!?

Siegfried, please wait for me on the stage of destiny!

6 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. * DragonPixie *
    Jun 03, 2011 @ 15:30:09

    There’s just something about a man with a huge sword that always slays me.

    *ba-dum-dum, ching!!*


  2. Mokkelke
    Jun 04, 2011 @ 04:40:00

    he may look cute, but no chance in hell i’m hugging him in that attire! i want to live, not be a kebab *winks*


    • Digital Distraction
      Jun 04, 2011 @ 08:06:19

      HAHAHA! Who says he gets to keep that armor on? He is never wearing any armor in my fantasies!


  3. Mokkelke
    Jun 04, 2011 @ 08:54:44

    true but he can take it of on his own!!


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