Maxi – Of Duels, Hearts and Souls

Ah Maxi.  I have to release a sigh every time I select your character.  Why?  Because I am always mesmerized by the fluidity of your movements.  The way you connect your attacks is a thing of beauty.  Is it any wonder why I love you?


Siegfried – To Love a Man of Sword and Soul

Siegfried is one of the main characters in the Soul Calibur series.  He eventually becomes Nightmare, but that is a story for another day.  For now, let us focus on why I want him to have my babies!


Mitsurugi – To Love a Samurai

I’m still having a nerdgasm over the news of a new Soul Calibur title.  I featured Kilik last week and this week, it’s Mitsurugi.  *swoons*  WHAT!?


Kilik – My Soul Still Burns

With the announcement of Soul Calibur 5, I began thinking about my long time favorite character and heart throb Kilik…  *swoon*
